
2024 Magic Valley Charity Auction

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Everyone Needs a Place to Call Home

Habitat for Humanity helps build strength, stability and self-reliance through shelter.

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Donate to Avenues for Hope
this holiday season!

Please donate $25 today to HELP US BUILD IT and PASS IT ON.
December 12th - 31st, 2023


Donate to Avenues for Hope Housing Challenge the 12th through the 31st at MIDNIGHT!

How you can help! Each family served by Habitat helps to grow the Build Fund, you can help too... with a generous donation today! Please donate $25 today to HELP US BUILD IT and PASS IT is the power of the internet and your passion to help that will get us to our goal of $125,000 raised for affordable housing in your community. AN ENTIRE HOME BUILD!

This event goes from the 12th through the 31st right up until Midnight!


What Does "Home" Mean?

It's the place where children hang up their backpacks, eat around a kitchen table, and make memories together.

It's a place for love to grow and a place for people to create community.

But, what happens when you can't afford a simple, decent place to live?

Every Hand Makes a Difference

You Can Help

We cover the six counties of the Magic Valley and have partnered with more than 50 local families to build safe, affordable homes.

But we're not done yet. We need your help. Here's how you can get involved:






For sharing this information about Thrivent Choice®, our Thrivent Member Network is giving us a chance to win a donation of up to $1,000! 

We Give Magic Valley Families Hope

Habitat for Humanity is passionate about affordable homes for families. We believe everyone deserves a safe place to lay their head at night, but we know home ownership is a privilege so we make sure our partner families are just as willing to work with us as we are to work with them.

The problem so many families face is not having enough resources to pay for housing, medical expenses, food and basic necessities. This can lead to chronic health issues, trauma for children and a serious lack of safety and stability for both parents and children.

“This opportunity will be a great way to show my kids what hard work and dedication can accomplish. It will show them that things are earned and not just handed out. My family of five kids ages 2-years-old to 12-years-old lived in a small two bedroom trailer in poor condition. Being able to give our time to help someone else fix their house has helped me and my kids grow as a family and we have grown to love others along the way as our family too. Thanks to everyone who is making it happen for us. A dream come true.”

Vanessa Hernandez

“Habitat for Humanity has been a hopeful dream come true. Habitat has made such a positive impact on our lives, with teaching us so many different skills we will all be able to use in our near future. This has been a life-changer and a blessing.”

McClaflin Family

Donate Today


needs a place to call home

Our Vision

A world where everyone has a decent place to live.

Our Mission

Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.




A Habitat home is a strong foundation for a family, an opportunity on which they can build a better life. Strong and stable homes help build strong and stable communities.



A Habitat home is a stabilizing force for a family. Better, affordable living conditions lead to improved health, stronger childhood development and the financial flexibility to make forward-looking choices.



Through shelter, we empower. A decent place to live and an affordable mortgage help homeowners save more, invest in education, pursue opportunity and have more financial stability.



A decent and affordable place to call home allows a way for everyone to have a safe place to live. Home is the place our stories start. Help us to create a lasting, sustainable change in our community.

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